The Flavor of Sustainability

How can hot sauce help preserve local lifestyle? 

So glad you asked! We at Swampdog Sauce believe in the idea of closing the loop on our production process as much as we possibly can. So we focus our efforts towards using recycled bottles and food waste diversion to help our peppers grow while keeping unnecessary items out of our local landfills! 


Soil and soil amendments are one of largest recurring costs a grower has to deal with not once but twice a year at the very least depending on the health of their soil. If we choose to divert some of that nutrient rich food waste away from the local landfill and back into our community growers' soil, we not only reduce the amount of waste required for pickup, but we reduce the price of locally grown food simultaneously! Utilizing our resources in this fashion results in a richer, more flavorful product that's higher in nutrients without the need to depend on imported synthetic fertilizers. We believe this issue to be the root of one of the problems we face today and intend on doing what we can to inform and encourage others so that we may become the solution we seek. 


Why would someone pay you to pick up their food scraps?

It's not the food scraps people are paying for. At Swampdog, we provide a service that requires food waste to be collected as part of the process so that the  products our customers receive can be produced.

These products include:

  • completed compost for gardening members(2-3 times a yr)
  • an option to donate the compost to local growers
  • free monthly hot sauce included with compost membership
  • incentivized sale/ad space(business owners/content creators only)

What else are you doing to "close the loop"?

We started a program that allows us to use recycled bottles from participating local businesses. All donations are sanitized and cared for in a fashion that exceeds state requirements.

We also encourage our customers to bring(or ship) their bottles back clean and ready for discounted refills on their favorite flavors! Reach out to us on social media or email to receive a free shipping label!

How do we keep the wheels turning?

  • Our subscribers pay a small, reasonable fee based on their location(usually between $15-40/month depending on distance/pickup schedule).
  • They fill the bucket with the approved food waste
  • On pick up day, the bucket is left in an area that is convenient and easy to find.