Recipe Spotlight

Welcome to the recipe spotlight page, where we share the latest and/or greatest sauces and food/drink pairings for our beloved fans to try. One of our passions, is bringing locally grown, unique, and flavorful hot sauces to your table, and what better way to share that than by pairing them with some delicious dishes and next level cocktails for y'all to try? Let's dive into our two featured recipes for this month...

The Sauce: Pineapple Basil Throat Punch

With pineapple season just behind us, we want to highlight a crowd favorite. This sauce is a lil symphony of flavor, carefully crafted to deliver a perfect balance of sweet heat and aromatic flavor. Made with the finest ingredient and the best blend of spices we can grow, it will take your taste buds on an unforgettable journey before jabbing you in the neck with a delightful sting of heat.

PBTP boasts a nice level of heat, making it ideal for those who crave a kick in their Caribbean dishes, and seafood. We like to use it for fish and shrimp tacos. Our newest pairing may appeal to the rum fans out there...

The Drink Pairing: Mojitos

To truly elevate your cocktail hour, we selected the perfect drink to pair with this sauce. The mojito.

The mojito is a classic Cuban cocktail that has gained popularity worldwide for its refreshing taste and vibrant combination of ingredients. Its history can be traced back to the 16th century, when the Spanish conquistadors first introduced sugarcane to the Caribbean. That initial introduction of sugarcane laid the foundation for the development of rum, which would later become a key ingredient in the mojito. We think our Pineapple Basil Throat Punch pairs well with the mojito because its ingredients bring out the best components of the mojito without stealing the spotlight of the mojito's traditional flavor. The mint and basil create a harmonious blend of flavors that will dance on your palate. The tropical sweetness of pineapple perfectly balances the heat of the scorpion pepper's bite, creating a deadly match for a killer cocktail.

How to Prepare

First you'll need the ingredients:

Mint leaves, about 5-7 of em.
Couple shots of Rum(we like to use Puerto Rican, but take your pick!)
Lime juice(fresh is best), about an ounce or one whole lime squeezed.
Sprite, or sparkling water(you'll probably want some simple syrup as well so just save time and use sprite if ya like)
1-2 tablespoons of our Pineapple Basil Throat Punch sauce


  1. Muddle mint leaves in bottom of cup/shaker with the sauce
  2. Add rum, lime juice, ice, and shake 
  3. Pour Sprite into glass, about 2-4oz
  4. Pour shaken mixture in Sprite glass

Now to be honest, I don't really measure my drinks out so these measurements are as close as I could get to recreation, so please feel free to add your own personal touch to the dish. If you think it will be too hot, go lighter on the sauce. If you think it will be too sweet, add more lime, or don't use the Sprite trick. The goal is to create a memorable dining experience that will have you coming back for let's hope for both of our sake that you enjoy it. If not, make three more then come talk to me.

Share Your Experience

I really would love to hear about your experience with this sauce and drink pairing. This is the first time I've actually chosen to use the recipe page to be completely honest. So if ya don't mind, please share your thoughts, photos, and any modifications you made to the recipe on our social media channels. Join our community of sauce & soil enthusiasts and let's spice up our lives and save the local lifestyle together!




Stay tuned for more exciting sauce and food pairings on our Recipe Spotlight page. We are constantly exploring new flavors and combinations to bring you the best culinary experiences. If you actually read this far...Thank you so much for your support and for being a part of the Swamp Dog family!